
Solutions with YOU in mind.

MegaByte offers Bespoke Solutions created to maximize visibility, and output and minimize costs. No matter the size or nature of your business, regardless of your industry, MB has a solution that is right for YOU.


What We Do

Consultancy, Requirement Analysis, Recommendations and Referrals.

Development, Implementation, Upgradation, Training.

Customer Service, Troubleshooting and Query Management.

Transform your Business

Why Choose Us?

There has never been a better time to automate. Gain the edge over the competition with our bespoke solutions, support and our attentive customer service.

  • Free Opening Consultation
  • Requirement Analysts and Consultants
  • Hands-on Training and Change Management
  • Year round maintenance and customer service

Our Management Team

Mushfeq Islam Chowdhury :

Mushfeq is passionate about innovation and the transformative power of the infusion of technology with business.

After his MSc from University College London, Mushfeq has 5+ years of experience and expertise in Production, Management and MIS.

Nurul Islam Chowdhury:

Nurul has a passion for finance and lean start-up management. Having vast experience in steel, textiles, jute industries along with directorial positions in the banking sector, he adds invaluable experience and financial nous to the team.

Raquibur Rahman:

Raquibur is very passionate about technology and has 10+ years of experience. Raquibur has expertise in Cloud, Machine Learning, Intelligent systems, & team building.

After graduating from University of Texas at Dallas, Raquibur has worked at Amazon, Microsoft and Google. By working with different technologies at these world class companies, Raquibur gained a very diverse work experience from world class organizations.